Globetrotting Zine Now Available!

Exciting news! Our collaborative zine Globetrotting is out now! We’re really pleased with the way it turned out and would like to thank all of our wonderful contributors for their great submissions, and everyone who will read through a copy.
A copy of Globetrotting costs just £2 for 32 colour pages featuring poetry, prose and beautiful photography from UEA students. If you would like to purchase a copy and are on campus at any time, send us an email to and we’ll arrange a time to get it to you. We will also look at putting copies on sale on our online shop soon.
We are also selling them TODAY at the Students’ Union’s Valentine’s sale. If you’re on campus swing by and see us in The Hive between 11am and 3pm. Keep an eye on our social media (links at the top-right of this page) for full details of where exactly our stall’s going to be.
Recently we held a very successful launch event for the zine. As a committee we enjoyed meeting some of our lovely contributors, selling some lovely zines and having some lovely pizza to boot.
If you didn’t get a chance to contribute this time around, don’t worry. We’ll be announcing the theme for the next collaborative zine soon!
Our Vice-President Mireia is also a part of the Amnesty International Society and we are very excited to be producing a zine on the theme of human rights with them which we urge you all to contribute to - we’re looking for a wide range of entries in different formats! Full details on our Facebook group here.
Work has also got underway in earnest for the 2018 Undergraduate Creative Writing Anthology. We have received more than double the number of submissions we can include - the numerous volunteers to help edit have certainly got their work cut out for them!
If you are interested in editing, there will be a meeting in Elizabeth Fry 01.10 at 5:30pm on Thursday. Email us if you’d like to come and we’ll give you the details about editing and the registration form.
More information will follow about when and where you can buy the anthology in due course once the editing and designing process is completed. We will also be holding our annual launch event, probably in May, in Norwich city centre - so stay tuned!
Since our last blog post we have also welcomed several new committee members to the team. Ellie Reeves is our new Social Secretary, Amelia Court is our Union Council Rep, Alex Paulley is our new First Year Rep and Cam Howe is our Workshop co-ordinator. If you have something you wish to raise (with Amelia or Alex in particular) drop us an email and we’ll pass your request on.
We’d also like to thank Eve Mathews for her hard work as Treasurer last semester. She also worked harder than anyone in making Globetrotting happen. Eve is now enjoying a semester abroad and everyone at Egg Box wishes her the best of luck for the next few months. We should be able to tell you who our new Treasurer is soon!
As always, feel free to email us at for anything related to the student publishing society and we’ll get back to you.