In with the new…
Some thoughts for the new academic year…

This weekend sees the latest cohort of freshers arrive in the concrete metropolis that is UEA for what will hopefully be a fun and fruitful three-or-more years. And with the new intake of students comes a new committee (and hopefully new members!) for Egg Box.
Once we have in place our statutory first year rep, our committee will include students in their first, second, third and fourth years of study, united by a passion for publishing and a desire to make Egg Box even better than it has already been.
Now would be an appropriate time to place on record my enormous personal thanks to the founders of what in 2015 was UEA Publishers, Jessica Rhodes and Olivia Minnock, who both graduated this year with incredible results and are on their next steps towards successful careers. I’m very proud of them and grateful for their initial desire to get a publishing society off the ground and tireless work to grow it over the past two years into what it is today.
Another huge thanks goes to the graduating members of last year’s committee who went the extra mile so many times and put so much of their time and effort into the society: Online Officer Hugo Douglas-Deane who designed this very website plus most of Egg Box’s collaborative zines; Social Secretary Sophie Chapman who organised a number of great socials and trips culminating in the hugely successful launch of Underpass; our friendly neighbourhood Workshop Co-Ordinator Emma Wallington who arranged several fruitful workshops, worked on many zines including editing the Christmas edition and proved that you don’t have to be an Arts or Humanities student to play a crucial role in Egg Box; Treasurer Sam Naylor who, unlike many Chancellors in recent times, left his successors with a surplus of money to spend (and successfully navigated the expense app, kudos!); Health and Safety Officer Marion Weaver who produced one of Egg Box’s best looking zines of 2017 so far for our tour of Norwich and ensured that no-one from the society came out of last year with so much as a paper cut, generally appeasing the Union’s Health and Safety department; and Equality and Diversity Officer Grace Fothergill who worked hard to make Egg Box as equal and diverse as it could be.
Thanks are also due to Francesca Kritikos (Secretary, who worked on the chapbook series and on planning the anthology) and Shannon Wells (Union Rep who was also Social Secretary for the Feminist Society) for their work in the committee before I arrived.
We have also recently launched our very own Instagram account, so please do visit us and give us a follow if that’s your thing.
Egg Box has plenty of plans for freshers’ week including a stand at the Students’ Union Societies Fair (Tuesday 26th, 12:00-18:00, Sportspark), the Arts and Humanities Opportunities Fair (Thursday 28th, 11:00-14:00, Council Chamber - near the Registry Building) and the Arts and Humanities Transitions Week Digital Trail (Tuesday 26th and Friday 29th, 11:00-14:00, Music Building 0.20 - near the Laundrette and Shop).
On Tuesday 3rd October, we will be in the Hive from 11:00-15:00 selling zines as part of the Student Enterprise Fair. We’d love to see as many freshers, current students, staff and curious visitors as possible at these events. Feel free to come along and say hi, browse a few zines and talk to members of the new committee.
You can join our society for £5 to be part of our exciting 2017-18 here.
On behalf of the new committee, we can’t wait to get started and hope to meet many of you very soon!
All the best,