The world of creative non-fiction is experiencing a dramatic transformation. Writers are tearing down old boundaries, experimenting with content and form, and redefining the genre as a whole. From ancient history to personal history, far-flung destinations to our own backyard, the 2017 UEA MA Non-Fiction Anthology showcases the latest work of twelve writers exploring this new frontier:
Ike Anya, Chan Li Shan, Gemma Dietrich, Margaret Hedderman, Helen James, Andrew Kenrick, Michael Kineman, Ben Kinsella, Peter Lincoln, Stephen W. Massil, Sally Shippam, and Nanthasri ‘in’ Songkittisuntorn.
And these twelve explorers are introduced by a foreword from Katharine Norbury and introduction by Ian Thomson.
UEA Creative Writing MA: Non-Fiction Anthology 2017
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